Our collaborations

Providing the best care is a job done together. We cooperate with Of course, the best care is not provided alone. It consists of good cooperation between everyone who may be involved in your pregnancy. We therefore work closely with various organizations in Amsterdam Noord.

To help you find reliable addresses, here is a list of parties we work with. Would you like a different organization, for instance a different maternity care provider, a different ultrasound clinic, or a different psychologist? That is always possible. We work together with everyone.

Hospitals in the region
We also provide reliable care if you are referred to a gynaecologist in the hospital. We arrange this care through good cooperation with all hospitals here in the region.

The best ultrasounds through a collaboration with three other obstetric practices in Amsterdam Noord.

General Practitioners
We work together with all general practitioners.

Maternity care
For a warm face in your home during the maternity week we recommend maternity care form the Kraamspecialist, Kraamzorg 1 op 1, Patricia, Kraamzorg Anne or Het Geboortecollectief.

Continue to enjoy good food during your pregnancy while at the same time eating what is good for you and your baby. Dietician Nienke Kreté-Tolhuijs (Mood&Food) knows exactly how to do that. She can be found in our practice once a week.

Foot Reflex
You don’t always have to walk around with pregnancy complaints. Foot reflexology stimulates the self-healing capacity of your body. You can find different treatments at Time4yourself.

Psychological complaints during pregnancy are quite normal. Psychologist Carine Koele will be happy to help you.

Movement therapists
Sagging ligaments, a growing uterus, and extra weight: pregnancy demands adjustments in how you move. Movement therapists teach you exactly what you should and should not do. That way you will also be able to move smoothly during your pregnancy. Take a look at Rondom de geboorte, Haptomotion, Fysiomcn, Thamar Pfluger, or Bekkenfysia Amsterdam.

“It’s really not necessary to keep worrying about nausea, headaches, fatigue, sleeping problems, pregnancy itch”, writes acupuncturist Renée Baas on her website. Do you have complaints? Acupuncture may offer a solution.

Lactation Expert
If you encounter problems with breastfeeding, a consult with the lactation expert can help. From painful breasts to a baby who does not drink properly, the lactation expert has advice. Look for instance at the Kraamspecialist or Jippie Joe.

Rondom de geboorte
From pregnancy classes to baby massages and everything in between. For a wide range of courses, you need to be at Rondom de geboorte.

Parent- and Childteam
After the birth we transfer the care to the Parent- and Childteam. Want to know who you can turn to? There is always a parent- and childteam in your area.

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