Complaint procedure

Do you have questions? Or do you have doubts? Are you dissatisfied with something? Tell your midwife. The midwife likes to take the time to talk to you. If you cannot work it out together, and if you want to know more about your rights or if you want advice, you can contact the complaints officer. The complaints officer can also help you file a complaint.

The complaints officers are impartial. Everything you discuss with the complaints officer is confidential.

Contact a complaints officer at:
088 – 024 51 23

Your midwife will try to resolve your complaint, possibly together with the complaints officer, within six weeks.

If you are unable to resolve the matter with the midwife and the mediation of the complaints officer, you can submit your complaint to the ‘Geschilleninstantie Verloskunde’ (Obstetrics Disputes Committee). This independent body will investigate and assess whether your complaint is well-founded. It will also make a binding decision.
073 – 689 18 90

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