Giving birth is something that many women find exciting. It helps to be well prepared for the delivery. Although you never know exactly how you will feel during the birth, knowing what to expect can help. During the information evening we will tell you everything you need to know about giving birth. It will cover topics such as:
- How do you know when your labor has started?
- What are the available positions for giving birth?
- Where can you give birth?
- What are the options for pain relievers?
- What are contractions, how do they occur, and what can you do during a contraction?
- How does childbirth progress?
The following date is known:
- Thursday evening January 9 – 19.00-20.30
- Thursday evening February 27 – 19.00-20.30
- Thursday evening April 10 – 19.00-20.30
(All spoken in Dutch)
Location: Banne Buikslootlaan 63A
Feel free to bring someone. Please register in advance at the assistant’s office or call 020-337 24 03.